Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Prevagen Can Do For Adult Brain Function And Cognition

Is it getting more and more difficult to comprehend new lessons or memorize the notes you have for exams? Maybe you have a cognitive deficiency. The brain is like a machine that needs proper maintenance and support, and like machines, it should be adequately ‘oiled’ for it to function properly.

Cognitive deficiency is generally not a permanent condition and one recommended way of restoring maximum brain function would be to take supplements. It is popular belief that a balanced diet is the answer in obtaining maximum performance for the body. However, it is important to note that more studies are claiming that a healthy diet is not enough.

Brain supplements provide the needed nutrition for the brain so that it would perform at its optimum level. All the nutrients in the supplements offered can actually be found in food which people eat daily. Supplements strengthen brain functions by providing essential elements needed for optimum functioning.

Today, newly discovered compounds with neuro-protective abilities are being incorporated into these supplements. A good example would be Apoaequorin which is harvested from glowing jellyfish and was discovered in the year 1962. Various researchers have found that this compound which produces phosphorescence in jellyfish can also bind with the calcium ions in the human body's nervous system.

When a person reaches his or her thirties, the body starts to under produce these calcium-binding proteins and it makes the cells prone to calcium overload. Prevagen is the only approved brain supplement which carries Apoaequorin in a form that is easily absorbed by the body, you can also read Prevagen reviews to verify this information. It is a safe product which does not react negatively with other herbal drugs and it also has no known side effects.

Apoaequorin is recognized as a ‘calcium-binding protein’ that is important for the calcium regulation process in the nerve cells. Containing 10mg of Apoaequorin, this brain supplement works by binding to calcium in cells and helping reduce cellular damage. Cell damage occurs as people age because of the decrease in calcium binding proteins.

Furthermore, this supplement eventually restores balance in the body and also treats memory problems that many people battle with as they age. What is remarkable with this brain supplement is that the active ingredient Apoaequorin has a remarkable resemblance to the calcium-binding protein that the human body produces. It also boosts the synthesis of protective proteins that the body loses as it reaches middle to late adulthood.

Tests run in the lab prove that the supplement was able to protect 50 percent of cells from expiring due to calcium toxicity. You can elevate your brain health with this supplement which regenerates and protects nerve cells. With that said, a healthier working brain indicates a better working body.

Aging is the primary cause behind many changes in cellular functioning. With brain cells, calcium binding protein production gets hindered. The resulting increase of calcium ions interfere with the brain's learning functions on cognition and memory.

The main issue lies in the fact that calcium binding proteins cannot be taken from any food source. Eating vegetables and fruits provides a good source of antioxidants but there is no direct link that it can increase the levels of calcium-binding proteins. Prevagen ingredients are the only supplement which offers what your brain really needs. Read reviews about Prevagen. Check my latest blog post.